Class Details
A fun and exciting class to join others in cardio building with group stationary biking. Exciting music and enthusiastic instructors to keep you engaged and moving. Reduce stress, improve mental health, and gain confidence, with each class. Perfect class for those looking to regain their fitness.
Group weightlifting class designed to help improve your form in weightlifting. Focus on the Deadlift, Back Squat, Front Squat, and Bench Press will be instructed by trained instructors certified in weightlifting. Classes intended for beginners and experienced weightlifters. Cardio and Volume will be gained in each class with a short "finisher" accessory workout to tone and build muscle.
An amazing class built around stations and aerobic compacity. Push yourself hard through several exercises in this entertaining one-hour long class to build strength and cardio. Classes designed for beginners and experienced people. Certified instructors to help you in each class with instruction for safe exercise and motivation.
The constantly vaired training made famous with its known development for ever changing workouts. The style will make you well versed in numerous Olympic Lifts, Weightlifting, Gymnastics, and Cardio Training. Proving to improve your overall ability to live life better than ever and prepare you for anything you may face. All ages welcome with modifications provided by trained instructors.
Mobility classes are set to engage you in strength and core stability while improving your flexibility. Yoga and Pilates are the main focus in these classes which are held in six-week blocks of instruction. Highly trained instructors with over 1000 hours of education to lead you to a new you. Classes are available for beginners, experienced, and senior citizens.
Strength training utilizing stationary straps. Your own body weight becomes the resistance. Low impact exercise great for beginners, seniors, and advanced athletes. Taught by certified instructors to keep you safe and motivated.